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“For the first time in 40 years I sleep without problems, I no longer have winter depression and I am balanced”

Since I have the Energy Grid in my bedroom, I can sleep without problems. For the first time in 40 years I sleep peacefully, I sleep through the night and I wake up rested. I no longer suffer from anxiety, so I no longer suffer from nightmares. For the first time in my life I don’t have a winter depression and I no longer have the feeling of fight or flight. I finally feel at peace and balanced again.

— Eddy

"I experience a relief from pain"

I have had arthritis for most of my life, especially in my fingers. But as soon as I take my pocket stone in my hands, I experience a relief from pain and there is also more flexibility in my fingers. The past years I also have a lot of pain in my legs due to blocked arteries. During a session I can feel the blood flow improving again, resulting in less pain in my legs and enabling me to walk better. I also wear an energy pendant, I put it on immediately after waking up. The pendant gives me a soothing energy so that I immediately feel very comfortable. The pendant gives me peace and also protects me from negative energy and negative people around me. I also have an Energy Crystal in my windowsill, which gives me a nice, soft, pleasant energy when I am in the living room. I had a cerebral hemorrhage a few years ago and fell into quite a black hole as a result, but since coming into contact with MX2 I have come all the way out again and now I feel happier and more stable than ever in my life.


“My muscles relax and my pains diminish or disappear”

A session with Caroline is very helpful and healing for me. I notice that not only the energy of the stones but also the Reiki she gives is very pleasant, especially with my physical complaints. For example, after a session I have much less problems with my menstrual pain, my headache complaints disappear and my muscles relax completely. I also feel fully charged after a session, I have more energy and I feel warm inside. In addition, the music is very relaxing and Caroline creates a pleasant atmosphere in which I feel free to share my issues with her.

— Isa

“Easier to speak my mind”

Since I started wearing the blue goldstone pendant, I find it easier to open up to people and to say what is on my mind. Also, I sleep a lot better. I don’t wake up in the night anymore and I no longer have nightmares. I feel very grateful and happy.

— Elizabeth (17 years old)

“Huge creativity boost”

I am a designer and often work at trade shows. At the end of those days I am usually completely drained. Now that I am wearing the blue goldstone pendant, I notice that I still have my energy at the end of such days. A session on the generator enhances that effect even more. And I experienced some huge creativity boosts after a session. It also became easier for me to stay with myself, to see what suits me and what doesn't and to make the right choices based on that insight.

— Suzan

“I feel completely recharged”

I have a very busy job and work more than 70 hours per week and travel 80% of the time. To get a moment of rest, I started going to Caroline. After each session, I feel completely recharged. I also notice that I am better at putting things in perspective. My stress levels have gone down and I experience more joy in life. Next to that, my health complaints (such as my tinnitus) started to diminish. And last but not least, the quality of my sleep has improved a lot. I don’t need my morning coffee anymore to “wake up and get started”.

— Jeroen

“I got my energy back after Covid”

After I had corona, I could not get back to my old energy levels. Even after the smallest exercise, like going to the supermarket, I came home feeling exhausted. Then I put some energised crystals in my house and I immediately felt my energy coming back. I still find it hard to comprehend, but the effect of the crystals is amazing.

— Johan

“Immediately I felt completely calm again”

One day, I was very busy in class and I didn’t know how to calm down again. My friend then lent me her MX2 pendant. Immediately I felt completely calm again.

— Alenka (12 years old)

“To get in touch with so much depth, so much love and so much power is indescribable”

What a special experience I have had with you. The huge crystals and the energy that is released during this process is a gift. I can recommend this experience to every person. To get in touch with so much depth, so much love and so much power is indescribable .. The Essence, the Source can be felt so clearly. In the period after the session, my life gained momentum. I have been working on my (spiritual) development for some time now. All the beautiful things that came from that have come together after the session. It is all now beginning to manifest itself. Thank you for this.


“A new spark of creativity, a brighter outlook, greater confidence and a huge shift inside me”

“Caroline is a true healer. A magical one. Her technique is cutting edge, instant and powerful. I love the fact that she has a few techniques to work with in addition to the healing, such as Reiki. Caroline avoids the “drama”, goes straight to the issue and helps one heal. Not just that she is able to connect on an intuitive and spiritual level, she is able to “see”much more than what I am actually feeling. So, if there is something that I want to resolve, her sessions go much deeper, weeding out unwanted beliefs and planting new, positive ones. I am very lucky and grateful to be treated by her. I believe she is a significant person in my journey of finding healing and honestly saying, I am not sure I would be able to have started my journey without her. In fact just a couple of days after my first session with her I had a new spark of creativity, a brighter outlook, greater confidence and was blown away by the sudden wave of unexpected positive situations coming my way. Caroline did such a precise work with me that not only I feel a huge shift inside me, I feel good in my body for the first time in my life. Finally I am totally in peace and can say: I feel happy! What an incredible gift she gave me... ”

— Kesem

“I am now closer to myself”

When I put the blue gold stone pendant next to me before I went to sleep, I immediately felt a change in my body. It started from my head. And I experienced a change of energy, as if it was slowly shifting in my body. Nice .. I still dream, but lighter and less scary. I also always carry the stone with me during my work. Since I have been wearing the stone, I have been closer to myself. Also, I am less sensitive to what other people say or do, and I am less sensitive to negative energies.

— Cathelijne

“Easier to let go of negative emotions”

The sessions at Caroline feel enlightening, familiar and warming. I feel much lighter inside and due to that I feel happier. The sessions have set some inner processes in motion. Now it is easier for me to let go of negative emotions. I am doing well again on a deep down inner core level. I find the interaction with Caroline pleasant. I feel heard and it feels she is open and interested in what I say, which makes it easier for me to speak. I am happy with these sessions.

— Elisa

“Less energy-drained”

I live in a bustling city and as such I am being confronted with many external incentives and stimulations. I felt my energy flowing out of my body and soul. I got so exhausted that I ended up having a burn out. Since I wear the blue goldstone energy pendant I notice I am less affected by all those incentives and stimulations. The noise and the crowds don’t affect me so much anymore. It feels as though I am surrounded by a protective layer of energy. Also, I feel more grounded and as such I feel stronger.

— Maria

“More in control of my emotions and less worrying”

I am amazed by the effect of the pendant. Since I am wearing my blue goldstone pendant, I sleep better. I used to wake up almost every night and started worrying about many things. Now I hardly ever wake up during the night and if I do wake up, I notice I feel calm instead of worried. Also, I noticed I have become more mild. I used to get quite emotional when I got angry, but now I am more in control of my emotions.


"My baby stopped crying"

My baby used to cry a lot. After I placed the blue goldstone pendant under his mattress his excessive crying stopped and he became calmer.

- mother of Diego (6 months old)

"I processed trauma’s and grief"

The sessions have helped me process trauma’s and grief from my past. If there was a situation that triggered my trauma, I always ran away from it. Now the fear is gone and I can stay with it. I feel safer and protected and I don't dissociate anymore.

- Helma

"Easier to stop smoking"

I never managed to quit smoking. When I got my pocket stone it became easier to stop.

- Lot

"Improved sleeping and more in touch"

We have a large rose quartz and clear crystal in our bedroom. Since we have these crystals, we sleep deeper and longer. We also notice that we are more in touch with the environment around us and that we appreciate the beauty of nature more than before.

- Anna

We became calmer

We put our energized rose quartz in our bedroom during a time when we were going through a very stressful period at work. Immediately we noticed that we became calmer and that the quality of our sleep improved a lot.

- Petra

"My transformation continues"

Since I came into contact with this special energy, a change in me has started that has not stopped. So many subtle changes that, in time, add up to be real substantial changes. I kept a diary and when I read it, I notice that I still continue to keep growing. When I look back at what I was a year ago, even a few months ago, I am amazed every time how much has changed. I hardly recognize myself in the person I used to be. The sessions and crystals helped me to reconnect to my inner self again, enabling me to live my life from my inner strength again.

— Lien

“Less exhausted”

Because of my high sensitivity and sense of overstimulation I wear a pendant that has been charged with the unique universal life energy. I notice I get far less exhausted when I am in contact with other people or when I am in a group. Things don’t affect me so deeply anymore and I find it easier to be more neutral. Moreover, working behind a computer is also far less energy-draining. The pendant feels like a protection layer that has been put around me by a soft and loving energy

— Annelies

“I finally quite smoking”

I tried to quite smoking many times before, but I never managed to hold on for more than 2 weeks. After my 1st session I felt it was different this time. It has been over 1 year now and I have not smoked anything since. On top of that, I hardly drink any alcohol anymore. I also noticed I am more in touch with my feelings and emotions.

— Robert

“Deeply connected to my inner self”

After one energy session at Imbizi I can say that I feel as much enlightened and as deeply connected to my inner self as I do after a whole meditation-weekend.


“It makes me calmer and it makes me happy”

It makes me feel calm and makes me feel happy. I can concentrate better at school and I am less tired at the end of the day.

Nina (9 years old)

"I sleep better"

After a session I am calm in my head again. Normally I lie in bed thinking about all kinds of things, but when I have had a session I don't, then I fall asleep immediately. And I don't wake up in the night anymore.

- Alexia (12 years old)

“Less stress and a sense of calmness and protection”

The pocketstone irradiated with MX2 energy gives me a sense of calmness and protection. I feel less stress from the outside and it gives me a nice and serene feeling, especially when I hold the stone in my hand. I always have it with me!

— Albert

"There is light in my life again"

It is as if I had been locked up in a dark, dusty attic for years. Ever since I started wearing the blue goldstone pendant, it felt if the curtains were opened. I feel good again. There is light in my life again.

- Mona

"I found my true purpose in life"

Since I started to have my energy sessions, I feel a definite shift in me. In a relatively short period of time I transformed from a person who was mostly focussed on my corporate career to a person seeking for my true purpose in life. It brought me on my path of becoming a healer myself.

— Ann

"I stopped worrying"

I stopped worrying. I don’t let fear rule my life anymore. My choices and decisions are now more based on trust and faith. Trust on my instinct, my feelings. And faith in myself.

— Marc

“Pain was pulled out of my body”

At the first handshake, I already felt that I was welcome with Caroline. Welcome as the person I am with everything I carry with me. When I entered the room where the crystals are, I was astonished. It exceeded all my expectations and it silenced me. What a force is set there. During the session I received headphones with music that immediately brought me into a deep meditation. The force of the crystals pulled the black and painful energies out of my body to refill it with clear bright light and positive energy. For the first time in a long while I felt free again. This experience has given me a lot of strength and courage. Every day I wear the pendant of blue goldstone for protection and for earthing. Thank you Caroline, you will definitely see me again.

— Annemarie

“Less tired”

I notice that I am far less tired when l come home from school. And that I am less affected by the bustle and noice around me.

Livia (7 years old)

“Less anxious and closer to herself”

The effect that the blue goldstone pendant has on my daughter (7 years) is really very special. Since she wears the pendant, she is more able to stay close to herself, making her less anxious in new situations. She is more self-assured, more venturous and it is easier for her to let go of things so she can move forward more easily.

mother of Livia

“I am more in touch with my inner power”

Since I am wearing the pendant, I notice that I am less sensitive to other people’s energies. It is easier for me to let go of things and to not let others' problems affect me. This is very helpful to me, because I work in psychiatric health care. I feel stronger and more in touch with my inner power. In addition, it gives me more confidence. I wear the pendant on a necklace, which I find very pleasant. So warm and close to the heart I am reminded that it is ok for me to feel more instead of only act out of reason. Thanks for this beautiful pendant Caroline!

— Alexandra

“I feel beautiful and strong”

Since I started to wear my pendant, a lot of great things happened. I opened up my own business, I began to stand-up for myself to people who treat me disrespectful and I feel beautiful and strong.

— Tanja

“An energy force that surrounds you with peace, tranquility and positivity”

I got the Rose quartz energized crystal during a very emotional and intense period at home (for my husband,myself and our kids)  and as soon as I placed this beauty in our living room (without them knowing even), I could definitely feel a shift in the mood at home. 
Personally, the moment it got here and I touched it, I felt my energy taking a much needed, soothing energy surge. I feel like I can handle energetic attacks better.
My sleep has improved but I've also noticed a change in my teenage daughter's mood--a good change. 
My husband and I couldn't even have a decent conversation, but once I set the crystal at home - the communication between us is unbelievable.
This is without a doubt a grounding source of inspiration and peace for our troubled times. An energy force that surrounds you with peace, tranquility and positivity. Takes out the negative emotions in your life. 

— Michelle

Other Experiences

By wearing the Blue Goldstone pendant, I am able to do my job without losing my own energy. (psycho therapist)
My daughter is autistic. One morning she woke up and she was completely withdrawn into her own inner world. I gave her my blue goldstone pendant. Within 30 minutes she was out again. Normally it takes her hours and she is not able to go to school for that whole day. Now she could go to school after breakfast.
My self confidence has grown so fast since I started my sessions. I always wanted to set up my own business, but I never had the courage to do so. After just a few sessions I noticed I stopped making excuses for myself. And now I finally actually did it: I recently started up my own company!
I experienced some interesting changes: I stopped biting my nails, it became easier to speak my mind and I started to put my ideas into action.
I have had intensive psychotherapy for over 2 years. But for me it mainly took place in my head. After 2 sessions I suddenly started to feel it in my body. I suddenly started to see the connections and I could place things more in perspective towards myself.
I was in a meeting where things were said that I didn’t agree with. I used to keep quiet, but now I just said what was on my mind.
I am a flight attendant and after each flight I experienced huge headaches. When I started wearing my amethyst pendant, that stopped completely. I am super happy to be able to do my work without those headaches.
It is easier for me to recognise my own boundaries and to guard those boundaries. When people tend to cross the line, I am now able to stand up for myself in a very respectful and very clear manner. I notice people actually listen to me now.
I have lost my sense of gloom. I feel in touch with myself again and therefore feel much more confident.
I notice that my concentration levels during my work have improved and it is easier for me to get into and stay in my role. (actor)
I sleep better and don’t wake up tired anymore.
I have felt my inner/core confidence again, I had long lost that feeling.
I can put things in perspective. I see much more clearly what belongs to me and what belongs to someone else and for which I do not have to take responsibility.
The energy generates a huge creativity boost for me. I can also empathize a lot better with my characters. (writer)
I notice that I convert plans into actions. Something that I have been postponing for years, I now suddenly pick up.
During a session my own energy is completely absorbed in the energy of the universe. It feels like I’m complete again. So peaceful, quiet, beautiful, like I am home ...
I have rarely experienced such inner peace. I hardly have any thoughts now and the thoughts that I have also disappear automatically. While I would normally elaborate more on such a thought and turn it into a very big story in my mind. It seems like thoughts have less control of me now. I find it better to tolerate silence. Normally I always want noise and distraction around me (TV, radio etc). Now it’s ok when it’s quiet. I feel more connected to myself.
I notice that I am more grounded, really as if my feet are clearly on the ground. I am more centered in myself, more connected to myself.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin